Zayed Humanitarian Library

The inauguration of the Zayed Humanitarian Library at the Family Development Foundation confirms the depth of the vision that the UAE seeks to devote

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Family development organizes journey Zayed to the Louvre

Zayed library organized humanity family development Foundation, a cultural visit to the Louvre Abu Dhabi under the slogan (Zayed cultural Trek) enterprise staff participated alongside some managers of Chambers and departments and department heads, and their family members where the flight was from the library headquarters in Abu Dhabi Gate Centre Of the Foundation to the Louvre Museum in the cultural district of Saadiyat Island.

Trip participants are known to humanity's cultural achievements of historical significance and cultural and social coming since ancient times until nowadays, plus identify the oldest writings and inscriptions and artwork across multiple time periods and phases, the visitors also listened to a detailed explanation of Facilities Guide at the Museum about the history of Arab art, and archaeological collections in depth and history to strike within the Museum in specialized sections. The Louvre is first world cultures combines Museum and is a link Between the Eastern and Western art art combines the beginnings of various arts, plug it in one place, forming a chain linking ancient to modern.

The trip also included a tour of a number of halls in the Museum, from which the participants know the beginnings of antiquity and lifestyles and human coexistence with nature and natural resources, in addition to inventions that came to her need of old, where the observed similarity Materials that were used, although different ages, distance, and natural resources.
Aiming (Zayed cultural trip) to transfer students knowledge of library users to cultural venues in Abu Dhabi, in order to identify the most prominent cultural areas in the Emirate as museums, libraries, cultural institutions, and provide information about specialist topics according to the needs of society and the promotion of tourism Specialized cultural down to promote a national culture, as well as To provide an interactive environment contribute to promote creative thinking and innovation between library users and guests from the creators of various specialties.​​​

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